Saturday 8 July 2017

Indoor Garden Update: Potatoes and Not-Potatoes, Herbs and Shoots, Snake Plants, Succulents, and Food

I'm very happy to report that the cutting I took from my Calathea 'Triostar' (and my thanks to the good people of /r/whatsthisplant for identifying it for me) and planted last month has taken to the soil and started to produce more leaves.  Here it is next to its mother:

Here's a closer look:

The new leaves emerge from the centre and slowly unfurl, rather like with rubber plants.  Here's an even closer look:

New stems also emerge from around the main stem, and we can just see two of them here.  Great plants to have around, these Calathea are, and apparently do an excellent job of purifying the air.

Elsewhere, some more squash seeds have sprouted, and there's even some evidence that the chives and basil seeds I chucked in there on a whim are being to take.

Potatoes on the windowsill are coming along very nicely.  I'm still waiting to find out if the leaves are definitely poisonous to eat.  Opinion seems strangely divided on the subject.  Sweet potato leaves aren't poisonous, but then sweet potatoes aren't actually potatoes. it would be a real shame if so, as you get so much great matter when growing potatoes.  Not that the worms mind, but it would nice if I could have a share too.

Elsewhere, I have one snake plant/mother in law's tongue/sanservieria I'm quite proud of, and a propagated leaf from an inferior plant that doesn't seem to have taken (yet).

Patience rewards the careful gardener, something my weird little succulents don't seem to appreciate:

No idea at all what's going on here - the plant seems to be sprouting roots from several levels above the soil.  Quite what it hopes to achieve by that I'm not sure.  Perhaps it's a cry for help.

Spring onions and leeks, meanwhile, just get on with the job.

Have a joyful weekend, all.


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