Monday 12 November 2018

My Duct Tape Wallet

I made myself this wallet about 3 months ago. Wallets are things you have for a while, and eventually wear out, or you lose, and so have to replace. It's just another thing, "necessary" in that loose sense of the word, that you easily do without, or improvise a DIY equivalent.

And, as is so often the case, it's something you can repair or improve in ways you can't with things you didn't make. So it's open source, you could say. Democratic.

Here's the video I took my cues from:

Once you've got the "fabric", made by sticking overlapping strips of duct tape to themselves, you can do more or less anything. Now that I'm writing about it, I'm considering giving my wallet and extension - perhaps a pocket on the outside for my "get me there" card, so I can tap it against the readers without having to take it out, saving valuable seconds. Or whatever. The point is, it's indefinitely repairable, so assuming I don't lose it (and there's something about things you've made yourself, no matter how cheap and nasty, that makes you more protective of them) it's the last wallet I'll ever need. 

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