Wednesday 26 August 2020

Wine News

I'm feeling positive about my blackcurrant wine.  It's been fermenting now for about 5 weeks, and is already clearing very nicely indeed.

Five weeks is nothing in wine time.  Still, the recipe promised it would be ready for drinking in six months, so I'd say it's running to schedule.  Here's to blackcurrants!  The same can't be said for last year's blackberry wine, which never really cleared properly and, according to experiments conducted in my own belly, never really fermented at all.

The rowanberry wine, meanwhile, while it cleared perfectly well, is barely drinkable.  I had to add more sugar to it just to make it palatable, which feels like cheating.

Oh well, you live and learn.  It's all good because blackberry season is here again so I'll be heading down to the allotment's vicinity this week to gather some berries for a second attempt.  You live and learn.

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  1. I bought two airlocks this past week and can't wait to make a start on some plum jam this weekend if we are able to pick some hedgerow plums. I might have a go at elderberry wine next month as the local trees are awash with berries at the moment

    1. Good luck. I made some plum chutney a few years back and it was yummy.


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