Tuesday 20 March 2018

Old Man in the Spring (A Success Story)

The groundsel cutting I nabbed from the allotment land a few weeks back has taken to its new environment.  This is very pleasing.  At first I thought it wasn't going to make it; it looked all gnarly and dying but after closer observation it would seem the tallest shoots are strengthening.

After a haircut, it looks like this:

Presentable.  Let's take a closer look:

These buds bloom into little yellow flowers when the time is right, and look to me like they might do so fairly soon.  According to this video, groundsel is a plant that can be "eaten in wild salads or cooked like a vegetable".  It's too soon to experiment with anything like that just yet of course, but I'm cautiously optimistic about my first toe-dipping into herbalism.  Feels nice.  Here's a little video of my own:

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