Monday 3 December 2018

£1.00 a Day Eating Challenge: Round Two, Day Four

ALDI in the Arndale Centre in Manchester is packed at 5pm in the afternoon.  I used to use it a lot back when I lived in the city centre, after I gave up working full time but before I moved into my cheaper flat, trying to get into good and frugal habits.  So much for that.  ALDI is always packed.  It looked exactly as it did two years ago, and I do mean exactly.  ALDI is probably the least image-conscious supermarket.  It still seems to be raking it in.  I can almost respect that.

I came away with 1kg of white rice and a tin of mushrooms, setting me back a total of 84p.  When I was in the Co-op yesterday, I noticed the price of broccoli had gone up from 57p to 60p.  ALDI doesn't even seem to raise its prices.  I can almost respect that, too.  I didn't buy any broccoli today.  Didn't have to.

Tea was fried rice with tinned mushrooms, which as I made I also prepared tomorrow's lunch: fried rice with ginger and broccoli.  It smells delicious.  I'm trying not to eat it now.  It looks like this:

If you eat broccoli every day you will never, ever die.

Breakfast was porridge.  As I ate my porridge, I read about how to make your own oat milk.  I've only tried oat milk once before, and I didn't think much of it.  It tasted like very weak porridge.  Now I know why: because it is.  I don't own a cheese cloth.  Perhaps I'll get one.  Oat milk is probably much nicer when you make it yourself.  Like bread.

Lunch was roast potatoes and broccoli.  I feel stuffed.  I really do.  I'm still a little surprised how easy this is.  Don't see any reason why I can't make it two weeks this time.  Then what?

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£1.00 a Day Eating Challenge: Round Two, Day One
£1.00 a Day Eating Challenge Update

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