Friday 30 November 2018

£1.00 a Day Eating Challenge: Round Two, Day One

Strawberry Garden in Bury is currently selling massive baking potatoes for 39p a pop.  So I bought two.  78p, lunch sorted.

Breakfast was two mugs of thick, hot broccoli soup, straight from the slow cooker.  I nabbed three heads of broccoli on Tuesday for 42p each, and liquified them over the following two days, in my tried and tested never-ending soup style.

Broccoli soup is as easy to make as any soup could ever possibly be.  Ingredients: broccoli, water, oil, salt and pepper.  That's it.  Works as well in a saucepan as in a slow cooker.  Just chop up the broccoli, stalks and all, add to a pan with water and a splash of oil, salt and pepper to taste, boil and simmer for 15-20 minutes until soft enough to blend, then blend.  Done.  How thick you make it is up to you, and just a matter or the water-broccoli proportion.  It's magnificent that something so simple can be so delicious.  Well-stuffed on potatoes for lunch, I'll be having more soup for tea as well.   I'm seriously beginning to wonder if I can subsist, even flourish on nothing but broccoli, potatoes, and porridge.

Tomorrow's budget: £1.22.  Feeling pleased with myself. 

Related posts

£1.00 a Day Eating Challenge
£1.00 a Day Eating Challenge Update
Never Ending Soup

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