Saturday 17 November 2018

£1.00 a Day Eating Challenge

I have decided to commit myself to a £1 a day eating challenge.  The thought is to do this for 30 days, and see where I go from there.  It might, after, say, a week, turn out to be unfeasible, in which case I will of course have to stop, but I'll be able to say more about that a week from now.  For now, the rules are:
  1. The £1 a day is cumulative.  So if I spend nothing today, that gives me a budget of £2 for tomorrow.  If I spend 50p on day 3, that gives me a budget of £2.50 for day 4, and so on.
  2. No advances allowed.  I can spend £1 today, and £2 tomorrow if I spend nothing today, but spending £3 tomorrow using day three's budget in advance is not permitted.  I can only spend what I have already accumulated by under-spending on previous days.
  3. Eating food I already have is allowed.  This might in some senses be "cheating" (but not in others, since I make the rules anyway, so shut up) but starting from scratch today with no food would be wasteful.  It'll be an interesting exercise to see what I can rustle up from things I already have when needs must.
Here's a spreadsheet to use for keeping track of a daily challenge based on these rules, should you wish to play along.  Fill in your daily spend in column C to see your running budget, and allowance for the next day.  Overspending will send the next day's budget into the red, which indicates failure.  So don't do that.

Needless to say, eating anything I can from the allotment, or any other foraging, is permitted, though pickings are going to be scant, given that it's November, but I think that will do, so far as rules go.  I just had a plate of roast potatoes and baked beans for a late breakfast - beans I already have, and potatoes bought a few days ago; and there's a few portions of leek and potato soup left in the slow cooker, for which I can make some bread to eat alongside later.  Then tomorrow I can use the £2.00 I'll have accumulated for a couple of fresh items, and we'll see how things go from there.  Good times.

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