Sunday 24 May 2020

#Comfrey News

There's a corner of my allotment I like to keep "wild". Wild and unruly; a haven for insects and spiders, the occasional frog, and anything else that might be looking for a niche, undisturbed by human tinkerings.

Pottering in its vicinity, I suddenly notice this:

Looks like comfrey to me. Let's weed around it, get a proper look:

That's comfrey, that is. It must have seeded itself, from the parent plant, a good 30ft away in the other corner of the plot:

It's been flowering prolifically the last few weeks, the bees have been hard at work on it too, so it only makes sense that a seed would have made its way out into the further reaches of its world at some point, and found a new home.

It's important to let plants be where they want to be in my opinion. If they spread and seed themselves and finds a new place to put down roots, trust their judgement.  Perhaps there are some exceptions for the more invasive species that don't like to share - brambles, bindweed - but most plants like to co-exist with others, and all seem to have their preferences.

So I have decided to interpret this appearance of comfrey in the wild corner of the allotment as its commentary on the state of that particular area: wilderness good, but perhaps consider a slightly more "productive" wilderness.  (Ugh.  I dislike the word "productive", and profoundly so, but I'm struggling for a better alternative.  Never mind).  Comfrey, as any aspiring permaculturist should know, is a wonder plant.  So if it wants to replicate itself on my allotment, who am I to judge?

Related posts

Comfrey and Jelly Ears
Allotment Salad

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