Sunday 21 July 2019

Allotment Salad

Had a friend over for dinner today, so thought I'd take the opportunity to make a meal for two using only allotment grown ingredients.  But for the bread and the beer, I was entirely successful.  I'd be lying if I said I wasn't feeling very pleased with myself this afternoon.

I served allotment soup (more or less what I made last week) and a new creation: allotment salad.  Here's an extreme close up:

The ingredients are: nasturtium leaves and flowers, peas, blueberries, coriander, chives and mint.  That's all, just thrown together.  It's punchy, and went down well.  I also provided a jar of fermented peas to munch alongside it.  These went down even better.  Andy took a jar home with him.  We polished off the soup between us, and I kept the remaining portion of the salad for myself.  

Nine of our "five a day" in a single meal, and all organically home grown.  It doesn't get much yummier than this.

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Allotment Soup

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