Tuesday 4 July 2017

Microgreens Update: Week Two Begins

The trays of peas in my bedroom seem to be coming along quite nicely.  Here they are this morning, 7 days after sowing:

A few flies are still hanging around, looking for some mischief to cause.  I decided to sprinkle some dried lavender among the shoots to keep them away.

Over in the kitchen, the seeds I sowed in the pot with butternut squash haven't really taken at all:

While those with the lettuces have started to made their mark:

The mung beans don't seem to have done very much, but I'm being patient:

Finally, I thought it might be helpful to move some of the peas into a lighter location, so two trays have gone onto the bedroom windowsill:

I bought some radish seeds online that I hope will arrive today, but that's all for now.  For other posts on my microgreen growing experiments click here.  Please like, subscribe, share, comment and all that jazz.  It makes me happy.  It might make you happy, too.

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