Wednesday 5 July 2017

Microgreens: Week Two update

Pea shoots are looking pretty good.  I think some might be ready to eat by the end of the week.  Interesting to observe how many seeds have sprouted: I'd say about two thirds of them overall.  I don't know if this is good or not - I will need to ask the experts - but it's satisfactory.

As for mung beans, they're taking their own sweet time:

I wonder if possibly these are sown a little close together.  Again, I need to ask the experts.  There are a lot of them out there, and hello to you if you're one of them.  Hello to you, too, if you're not.

Yesterday a packet of radish seeds arrived, courtesy of Nicky's Nursery.  They're called "radish rambo" seeds, which certainly sounds promising.  A nice long soak, and they're off:

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