Tuesday 16 January 2018

Northern Forest

I'm very happy to hear about the plans to invest in the planting of over 50 million trees across the north of England over the next 25 years. To my mind, there could be no more worthwhile investment.  From the Woodland Trust's article on the project:
England is losing tree cover. We need to make sure we are protecting our most important habitats such as ancient woodland as well as investing in new major woodland creation schemes. Existing approaches to increasing woodland cover are stalling and existing delivery mechanisms, such as Community Forests are under threat. A new Northern Forest could accelerate the benefits of community forestry, support landscape scale working for nature, deliver a wide range of benefits, including helping to reduce flood risk, and adapt some of the UK’s major towns and cities to projected climate change. But this must be a joined-up approach. We’ll need to continue to work with Government, and other organisations to harness new funding mechanisms such as those promised in the Clean Growth Strategy to plant extensive areas of woodland to lock up carbon. This will ensure we can make a difference long term.

Indeed, and the project has been widely reported in the media, but as yet I've not been able to find much information on the practicalities of the whole thing. Who will be planting the trees, and when exactly? Is it possible to volunteer? Might there even be paid tree planting positions? That would be truly wonderful, planting trees...for a living. In more than one sense of that term.

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