Saturday 3 February 2018

Greenhousing It (Part Two)

Yesterday was a sunny day, with that "spring" ambience I haven't found a word for yet.  Today it is snowing.  Spring has not arrived, but sneak previews have been showing in selected theatres.

It was a great day to spend some time on the allotment, in particular inside my restored greenhouse.

Spinach, peas, beans, rosemary, dill, strawberries, marigolds, nasturtiums, broccoli, mint...
I'm quite satisfied with what my greenhouse has become.  It was a metal frame covered in manky, corrugated plastic panels when I acquired it.  I considered cleaning these all down to let in more light, but it didn't feel like enough.  So I punched them all out (I've kept them and may consider recycling them into some kind of cold frame) and reconsidered.  I settled on this green plastic greenhouse film cover foil from ebay; at £40 a pop, which afforded me with more than enough (cold frame or polytunnel options later in the year remain open).

First I thought I'd have to carefully measure and cut the sheets to size, to fix into place on each panel.  Duct tape, outdoors as in, seemed like the most economical option.

All looked very neat and tidy, to be sure, but a few days later I returned after a night of heavy rain, and this had happened:

Unsatisfactory.  I considered maybe double or tripling up on the duct tape to make it as water tight as I could, but it didn't seem that that was going to cut it.  Then I realised, why cut the sheets to size in the first place?  Why not just drape a piece large enough over the whole frame, and weigh it into place where it touched the ground?  Which gave me, after a little creative and ladderless manoeuvring, this:

Anarchy, indeed.  Yesterday in the sunshine and having found myself a ladder, I made some additional movements to tidy things up a bit, which resulted in this:

Satisfactory.  And so, in the already rising temperature and humidity, begin the lives of this years vegetables and herbs.

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Greenhousing It


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