Wednesday 17 October 2018

Stockpiling Circles

I'm not completely sure why, but this week I did some bulk food shopping online and came away with 30 tins of chopped tomatoes, 30 tins of baked beans, 1kg of raisins, 10kg of sugar, 10kg of potatoes and 7.5kg of flour, for what turned out to the quite respectable sum of £42.70.

That's a lie; I do know why.  I was briefly inspired by this video from this channel about making a "potato wine" with the water left from boiling massive amounts of spuds.  Hence the 10kg of potatoes.  But of course I can't eat that many at once, so I decided I'd store the water accumulated from boiling several day's sustenance in my sterilised fermenting bucket, before adding the ingredients later.  I wasn't completely sure about this, so I sought some expert advice.  It's easy to forget that old-fashioned online forums exist these days; but they do, and they'll full of people who know what they're talking about.  ( seems to be thriving).

The experts, needless to say, were right.  Accumulating enough water for a batch of wine this size runs the risk of contamination, even in a nominally "sterile" environment.  So I've abandoned this plan for the time being.  Never mind.  Sugar, raisins, tinned food; all these things will keep, but looks like I'm on a potato-based diet for the next few weeks.  Which is fine; a man once lived on potatoes alone for a year and didn't die.

I feel like I've mentioned that before.  I feel like I've mentioned all this before.  It may have something to do with turning 37 yesterday.  Birthdays: days you find yourself reflecting on something called "your life" whether you really want to or not.  What is your life?  A narrative?  Hardly.

I feel I have strayed somewhat from my path.  This is fine, since some of my original ideas were pretty stupid anyway.  Living without money?  I wish.  Or maybe I don't.  I never really tried to find out.  I've found a kind of equilibrium; certainly not poverty, not really, but just as certainly, not anything else different or radical.  I had a glimpse of what it was like to have excess money, and now that excess is used up again, nothing has changed.  Absolutely nothing.  Money isn't the answer, but maybe it's not the problem either.  This will take some time to explain.

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