Sunday 10 May 2020

A Jar of #Pickled Nasturtium Seeds

Ah, the pickles of my labour.  I cracked open this badboy this week.

The date is the date I sealed the jar, so that's just over 7 months ago.  I tell you, it was worth the wait.  I gathered enough nasturtium seeds from the allotment last year for about 5 jars this size, and this is the penultimate one (I'm spacing them out through the year, in an uncharacteristic act of self-control).

I love nasturtiums and everything about them.  They're beautiful to look at, keep pests of other edibles you may be growing nearby, and every part of them is edible.  They're the pinnacle of nature's achievements if you really think about it.

When you pickle them, they're known as "poor man's capers" so as you'd expect, there's nothing fancy about the recipe: the standard pickling ingredients of white vinegar, salt, sugar, peppercorns, mustard seeds and bay leaves are all you need, though what's to stop you getting creative and throwing some other tasty bits in there too?

Nasturtiums run to seed in late summer through to about October.  This year I've planted more nasturtiums than ever on the allotment (several handfuls of unpickled seeds) so I'm looking forward to an abundant crop for pickling when autumn comes.  Feeling good about this.  Feeling very good indeed.

Taking over.

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