Yesterday I put my first lot of potatoes into one half my raised bed. They've been chitting away on my kitchen windowsill for a good month and a bit now, and the time felt right, with the Equinox and all that this week, to throw caution to the soil. As is advised, I've added just a sprinkling of compost over the tops of the potatoes to allow space for the shoots to grow, and add in more soil and compost as they do. This is known as "earthing up" - here's a Gardeners' World page all about that.
I've filled in half the bed for now (this is what the plank in the picture marks out) to see how things take; and in another few weeks I'll fill the other half.
Onions have also gone into bed number 1:
Not much to see here of course, but there they are, arranged neatly in rows next to the garlic. Smashing.
Later that evening, I happened to notice this growing in one of my indoor shrubberies in my bedroom. That's a potato shoot, I said to myself, if ever I saw one:
Indeed it was. I yanked it out.
Tiny little potato, growing where it wasn't supposed to, and only the size of my thumb. I'm keeping it, as a good luck charm. I love potatoes.
Related posts
Celebrating Roast Potatoes
My First Weekend on the Allotment
Indoor Potato Harvest #1
Failure, Hope and Potatoes
A Potato's Progress
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