Sunday 9 September 2018

Weekend Allotment Fun

I'm having a marvellous weekend so far.  Yesterday I tidied the shed.  It now looks considerably more like this:

than this:

I was in and out of there, and on the allotment, for hours.  In the morning I took a flask of coffee with me, and stopped off at the corner shop on the way over for some bread rolls and a packet of salt and vinegar crisps.  For lunch I sampled my experimental sweet onion chutney with broccoli in it, and it turned out to be an absolutely excellent sandwich filling.

Even nicer than it looks.
There was plenty of time for sitting and thinking, and sitting absolutely quietly so I could help myself to some ambient sound:

I'm a big fan of ambient sound/field recording videos.  I've been playing this one on a loop through the week.  It's 11 hours long.  Mine is shorter than that.  There are even live ambient rain YouTube channels you know, that broadcast all the time.

So that's another thing I've got up to: more YouTubing.  I now have 18 subscribers, so I'm practically a celebrity.  Here's a video about the outside of the shed:

Here's a video about the inside:

I really don't know why microgreens just didn't grow for me this year.  After last year's burst of enthusiasm I thought I'd be living on the things by now.  Evidently there are more variables I need to learn.

It's a marvellous mushroom, isn't it?

Oh, I also decided to dig up the rhubarb.  Yorkshire born I may be, but rhubarb's just never been my thing.  I've decided to give it away.  I planted some garlic in its place.  Two cobs have been claimed, leaving one still that's free to a good home.  If you happen to be in the North Manchester area and want a rhubarb plant, it's yours.

Jonathan Bradshaw 

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