Wednesday 19 December 2018

Ecobrick News

I'm getting good at making ecobricks. Not that it's at all difficult: plastic is everywhere. In about a week, I've accumulated about enough for four bricks. When I've made twelve of the same size and shape, I'll have enough for a Milstein module.  When you've got a plurality of Milstein modules, you can make anything, it is promised.

None of these are as full as they might appear, and it's always easy to cram more in there, like trying to squeeze more toothpaste out of the tube, but in reverse.

This isn't all plastic I've consumed myself, I must hasten to add, though I must admit a substantial amount of it is. Which is insane. Plastic was an insane invention. Insanely useful, in the short term but in the long term, just insane. Last century we made stuff from it, and wrapped that stuff in more of it. Then we unwrapped that stuff, and threw the wrapping away. Then we threw that stuff away, too. But it didn't go away.

This century, we gather, and rebuild.

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