Thanks to reddittor /u/Croco-nut I can now reliably inform you that this weird plant I posted about yesterday is called, Persicaria microcephala. Also known as "purple fantasy" (but then so are some other things, as is often the way with plants) and "red dragon" now that I've learned more about it, I think it's a definite contender for the 'inedible bed' on my allotment, so-called because it's where I plant things that look interesting but that can't (usually) be eaten.
I'm over in Yorkshire with my parents for Christmas, and my Dad's specimen (acquired at the same time as mine) is far superior to my own. This isn't just because it's in Yorkshire (though obviously that's a decisive factor; nothing has ever been made worse by putting it in Yorkshire) but, I deduce, because it's had a good deal more sunshine.
Another reason to take it outside, methinks. Merry Christmas, again.
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