Feeling good this morning because I've made it up to a total of 50 YouTube subscribers. Turns out the gardening/allotmentiering YouTube space is a vibrant and friendly one.
Here's some of the allotment related channels I've been enjoying:
50 Shades of Green Allotment AdventureTV barbara's allotment Brimwood Farm
Charles Dowding
Cheryl's Organic Food Forest
Give it a Grow
Happy Homestead
Hertfordshire Allotment Life
Island Garden Kitchen
John's Cuckoopatch Vegetable and Flower Plots
Kimmys Kitchen and Garden
Lavender and Leeks Planting Memories
The Gardening Channel with James Prigioni
50 Shades of Green Allotment AdventureTV barbara's allotment Brimwood Farm
Charles Dowding
Cheryl's Organic Food Forest
Give it a Grow
Happy Homestead
Hertfordshire Allotment Life
Island Garden Kitchen
John's Cuckoopatch Vegetable and Flower Plots
Kimmys Kitchen and Garden
Lavender and Leeks Planting Memories
The Gardening Channel with James Prigioni
It's also the first day of a two week stint of "annual leave", as the working world likes to term it. Time when you don't have to go to work, but they still give you money anyway. Really, what all the time should be like, but never mind about that just now.
What matters is that this week and next, I will be spending as much time as I can on the allotment. IN and amongst the digging and the being, I will also be making some videos, which you will be able to watch on my channel, which you can find here or of course, by clicking on the big red YouTube button at the bottom of this page.
I'm thinking of changing the name of the channel to something other than just my own name, and then maybe separating my allotment videos from other crap I occasionally throw up there, but that's maybe for a little later. Maybe when I get 100 subscribers (imagine that). In the meantime, if you're here for the gardening stuff, my regular videos, my "Allotment Scraps" are here.
Peace, love and happiness to all.
Peace, love and happiness to all.

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