Sunday 12 May 2019

Imaginary Forest Library

Here's something I've been thinking about recently.  It's a place I think probably doesn't exist, but once I've told you about I'm confident you'll agree that it should.  Must, dare I say it.  It must exist.

It's a library that's also a forest.  It's a forest that's also a library.  This is its defining characteristic: it is both forest and library, as much one as the other.  It's not a library in a forest, and it's not a forest with a library in it.  It's a forest library.  It's a library forest.  A symbiotic relationship.  That's important.

Google image search doesn't help much, which is what leads me to believe what I have in mind doesn't exist.

This kid is on the right lines...

...but here's the thing.  The forest library is a permanent arrangement.  Those books are just going to get drenched as soon as it rains.  The forest library protects its contents from the rain.  Not entirely, as an actual indoor library does, but sufficiently.  Picture this:

And this:

Or this:

And this:

And, to a lesser but not insignificant degree, this:

Hopefully you're starting to get the idea.  What I have in mind is a huge, outdoor, tree-filled space that is also filled with books.  It's exactly the sort of thing I'd build if I had silly amounts of money, which of course I do not.  (By the way, if you haven't already, now might just be the perfect time to get yourself some Bitcoin).

The library forest has thousands and thousands of books.  Books built into trees.  Trees growing into and around piles of books.  Some of the books are a little damp and musty; some are home to a layer of moss, others may sprouting mushrooms.  Likewise for the shelves they rest on, and that's all perfectly fine.

Some books are way high up in the canopies of ancient trees, so that you have to climb to reach them.  When you do, you'll find a branch strong enough for you sit on, high above the ground, reading.

Other books might be found in little alcoves or caves.  Every cranny and nook will be contain some literary treasure or other.  It will be a magical place.

It will also be a public place.  You can spend the day there, or even camp there overnight.  It would be a happy place, welcoming and peaceful, stimulating.  It's the sort of place there should be at least one of in the world, and as far as I can tell, to the scale that I am imagining, there isn't one.  And that's very sad.

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