Monday 4 November 2019

Jerusalem (F)artichokes

Jerusalem artichokes are neither from Jerusalem, nor are they artichokes, but they do make you fart. A lot.  I harvest mine yesterday. When you dig them up, they look like this, all earthy and knobbly:

When you get them home and into the kitchen, they look like this:

After you've rinsed and scrubbed them, they look like this:

And finally, when you've chopped and roasted them in the oven for about 40 minutes, tossed with oil and salt, they look like this:

Their flavour is mild and nutty, and their texture soft and chewy. A satisfying teatime snack for a wet November afternoon. Recommended, and something I think I'll grow again on the allotment next year. Their plants are tall and sturdy, and outgrew even my sunflowers. There they are on the left in this rather lovely picture of my plot in August:

It's great to have grown things I can harvest right into the autumn. I harvested my horseradish yesterday too, but I think I'll leave that for another post.  I've got some farting to do. 

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