Wednesday 1 April 2020

Get Yourself a Ukulele

Hello everyone.  How are you enjoying the end of the world so far?  A facetious question, I know, and not to discount the inconvenience or suffering of anyone else, but I'm having rather a good time.  Solitude and the outbreak of peace of quiet suits me just fine.

Working for a social care provider, albeit it in a somewhat abstract and bureaucratic capacity, I'm classed as a "key worker", meaning I still have to travel to and from work, on public transport, through a major city.  I'm not over the moon about this, but I'm taking every precaution.  Generously, the powers that be have allowed me one day a week working from home.  That leaves three days a week of putting myself at risk of the plague.  So it goes.

Meanwhile, I've been brushing up on my ukulele playing.  Every day or so, I share a song with the world.  It's my way of spreading a little bit of joy and happiness.  Here's a playlist of what I've put on my Youtube channel so far:

There's more where that came from, maybe, so you might want to consider subscribing, maybe.  More to the point, you might want to consider getting yourself a ukulele.  They're a great anti-depressant and a healthy way to while away the hours in these troubled times.

I'll be getting back to the allotment as and when I can.  The sun might even come out again this week.

Peace and love!

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