You're never going to sit down in the morning to a plate of cooked lentils, cucumber, raw kale, avacado, apples and bananas. Let's face it. It just isn't going to happen. That would be insane.
Take those same ingredients and blend the into a green smoothie, on the other hand, and you've got yourself a breakfast of champions.
It's also portable, but never mind about that now. I didn't expect a smoothie containing two savory ingredients - the lentil and the kale - would be at all palatable in combination with the sweetness of the fruit, but it works perfectly. Along with three tablespoons of cooked lentils and two stalks of curly kale (fresh from the allotment, I might add) I crammed in two bananas, and apple, an avacado and one third of a cucumber. Protein enhanced! And delicious! Yes, I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself. Highly recommended.
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