I thought maybe you'd like to see how the prayer plant cuttings I took in January were getting along. It feels like it's been a very long winter, though the sky today is blue and there's that presence in the air, that feeling of life pushing back from the darker places where it sometimes hides; perhaps spring really is here at last, as I stupidly decided it already was five weeks ago, when it was not. Patience is not an easy virtue to master. Here, as in so many other places, we have a lot to learn from plants.
Here's a node from one of the January cuttings. Those two pale yellow nobs you can see where the stems meet the knee are the beginnings of roots. Patient as I said I wasn't, I already rooted a similar looking node in some soil in my bedroom last week. I wondered if I should have waited longer for the roots to develop more but it occurred to me, stupid again, the roots want to be underground. That's where they do their work. So I planted it, and it seems to have been the right thing to do. Already the leaves are lifting. So I planted the node pictured above, too. Now I have this:
Prayer plants leaves are beautiful and strange, like no other plant I've grown before. I would like to fill my home with such things. I took another cutting from the parent plant today, and jarred it up with some others. My prayer plant factory. Laboratory. Nursery.
This is the parent:
These are the children:
Also pictured here, some of my potatoes, chitting away in the rising sun. Plants, edible and inedible. Yes.
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