Sunday 29 July 2018

Bread and Jam and Circuses

I didn't vote in the Brexit referendum because I didn't understand it.  Sorry.  Having seen the political fallout since, I'm inclined to lean towards the "remain" side of the fence but at the time, it seemed to me that neither campaign made a convincing case; subsequently, it seems that many people who didn't abstain really knew what they were voting for.  Who, for instance, and be honest here, has any idea what the "customs union" or "single market" actually is, and how being (or not being) a part of it affects their lives?  What percentage of the voters had read, digested or had even heard of the Treaty of Rome, the Maastrict Treaty, the Lisbon Treaty, or the Single European Act?  Compare that to the numbers of people who evidently thought that voting "leave" would somehow stop brown people from taking jobs from them they weren't qualified for or never wanted to do in the first place.  Or were for some unfathomable reason emotionally attached to the colour of their passport.  And how exactly does any of this relate to what political bureaucracy our government's own bureaucracy is tied up in?  These aren't the sort of questions that governments should be asking the gormless millions.  It doesn't seem like actual governments even know the answers either.

Anyway, if stockpiling food in preparation for "no deal" (whatever that means) is to be the game, I think might already be ahead.  No tinned beans or frozen dinners for me, and nor will this man be living on bread alone, as yesterday I succeeded in making jam for the first time.  As with bread, it's at once easier and more satisfying to make yourself than you would expect.  I used this recipe for blackberry jam from BBC Good Food, requiring only three ingredients; lemon juice, sugar and, obviously, blackberries.  My very first attempt was a success.

Blackberries grow in abundance on and around my allotment and even of the ones that are indisputably public, nobody ever seems to pick them but me.

My only concern, that it might not be possible to "set" the jam without a fridge (I don't own one) was quashed overnight.  I left the jam in the sterilised jar to set overnight, and set it did.  I woke up this morning at dawn to bake the dough I'd prepared last night and along with the usual three cups of coffee, enjoyed the simplest, most delicious homemade breakfast imaginable.  In the event of a no deal Brexit, jars of homemade jam will be available from my website at the very reasonable price of £350,000 a jar.  I love politics.

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