Thursday 22 November 2018

£1.00 a Day Eating Challenge: Days Four and Five

I've never tried Huel or Soylent or such concoctions marketed at those too hip to eat, but I'm also not averse to the idea of eating the same thing every day. To really do this healthily, I imagine you'd need several complicated meals with a lot of ingredients to ensure you didn't malnourish yourself, and obviously this would be quite expensive. Certainly outside the scope of my £1.00 a day challenge. Anyway, this post is about days four and five together since on two consecutive days I ate exactly the same breakfast, lunch and tea and lived to tell the tale.

Breakfast once again was bread and jam, and from this I learned that at this rate, baking my own bread I get through one load in 2-3 days. That's a fair bit of baking and preparation time week on week, but well worth it I'd say.  I've been trying to find a yeast-less bread recipe that's also vegan (some kind of flatbread?) to cut down on preparation time.  My yeast supply is also depleting, so that's another consideration.

Lunch was chilli. The slow cooker makes enough for 3-4 large portions, normally. This time around I was left with a fair bit of "sauce", the dregs, if you will - too much to discard but not enough to really constitute a meal, so tea on days five and six was pasta (bought on day three) to which I added some broccoli and cheap Co-op pasta sauce, bought on day four for £1.06, coming in £0.03 under budget. (By the way, a sheet where I'm tracking my spends and meals day on day, is here).

This cheapo pasta sauce is as runny and pathetic as you'd expect for 44p, so I mixed it with the dregs from the chilli, added the some of the broccoli, steamed, and came up with this. 

As with the chilli, there was enough for several meals, so that was dinner on day five sorted, too. 

Budget balance for day six: £2.03.

These Pringles aren't something I bought, obviously, I just took a picture of them.  Christmas dinner flavour crisps?  That's the kind of world we're living in.  Someone's taking the piss.

Related posts

£1.00 a Day Eating Challenge
£1.00 a Day Eating Challenge: Day Two


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