Sunday 1 September 2019

A Nice Cup of Tea

My kitchen sink was blocked the other day.  With the application of jiggerypokery, I was able to unblock it, and while I was in Wilko on Saturday (I love Wilko; I don't like shopping, but I do like Wilko - almost everything they sell is useful) I noticed that sink strainers only cost 50p, so I bought one.  One size fits all, you'd think, but no.  It didn't fit my sink at all.  Just a little too big.

Then it occurred to me it might make a tea strainer, something else I've been meaning to find super-cheaply (or fashion a makeshift one).  So I washed it, and got a tea cup out, and...

A perfect fit.  All things work together for good.  I've made myself a pot of mint tea, from a combination of mints from the allotment - water mint (dried) and apple mint (fresh).

And by the way, apple mint is one of the few varieties I've been able to grow productively indoors, inside one of my vertical bottle planter things:


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  1. Wilkos is great, and reminds me of the old Woolworths.

    1. The only thing it doesn't have is pick 'n' mix sweets in those big square containers with lids on, near the doorway. Not that I ever bought those much in Woolworth's, I just liked that they were there.


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