Friday 22 October 2021

The Experiment Worked

I feel like a lot of good things are happening at the moment.  Yes, I know we live in very dark times and the world is hurtling towards total ecological catastrophe in most of our lifetimes but sometimes it's worth pretending none of that matters and embracing the absurdly small pleasures of your own immediate experience.  For example: the experiment worked.  I left a kale plant in the soil for the second year of its natural life, and it rewarded me with an abundance of seeds.  Here are some pictures of the plant's progress from spring through to summer, up to the point I was ready to harvest said abundance:

Flowers become seed pods, and seed pods fill with seeds.  The plant eventually droops under its own weight, the pods turn from green to brown and begin to split open, and that's when you know they're ready for collection.  It's astonishing how many seeds you get from a single plant, that grew itself from a single seed.  Thousands of them.  Plants really want to make sure they survive through the generations.  More perhaps the humans do, which perhaps is why the have, and will outlive us.  Probably.

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